Yesterday I came across this post about breastfeeding on the alivingfamily blog. In it, the author describes her feelings of breastfeeding aversion while feeding her toddler, which surfaced while pregnant with her second baby. As I read the way she described the feelings, I felt this massive surge of relief wash over me. And then I turned to google and started researching breastfeeding aversion, which I had never heard of until now.
The reason I felt these feelings of relief and almost excitement, is because the feelings of aversion while breastfeeding that she describes in that post are exactly how I have always felt about breastfeeding, right from the beginning. I have written on here once before about my love/hate (and to be honest, it was more of the latter than the former) relationship with breastfeeding. At that point, I was in the middle of my breastfeeing experience and trying to come to terms with how I was feeling, trying to maintain a positive outlook on it, as I knew I had to continue until at least 6 months (we were moving interstate when bubba was 6 months old and I felt that breastfeeding would be a lot more convenient for the move!).
For this reason, I don't think I was entirely truthful about my feelings, even in that raw and honest post. After reading Sheila's post on alivingfamily, I started googling like mad and hungrily reading up the limited information I found. While there seems to be little official information, the web is filled with desperate and confused women describing all the feelings I had while breastfeeding.
"when my son wanted to feed I dreaded having to do it, felt almost repulsed the whole time, it made my skin crawl, I felt ‘wrong’ and it lasted during the whole feed, sometimes getting worse during the feed." (source)
"Some people go as far to say that feeding feels like they are being
'molested'. Another mother says 'After the feed I'm angry at myself, but
during the feed I'm just sitting there resenting **** and wanting to
hit him' whilst another responds ' it's hard to admit that sometimes you
really do want to hurt your baby. Except that, at the same time, you
really don't.'" (source)
"I felt an overpowering
urge to stop nursing, immediately. It was a visceral, gut reaction
like an itch, making me tense, anxious, cranky, and agitated." (source)
" was so instinctive
to recoil from nursing that I really almost couldn’t help myself.
I had a strong urge to pick her up and throw her off of me and run
away from her. I was in no way prepared for it and I felt like the
worst mother on the planet" (source)
"For months I've been dealing with more than feeling touched-out, more
than just being a bit antsy. I've had a genuine dread of breastfeeds, a
feeling like breastfeeding is like being touched by a creepy uncle, that
it's wrong and it's weird and it must stop now." (source)
I wish I could accurately portray to you the feeling of relief I get reading these words coming from other people's mouths. It makes me feel validated, it makes me feel understood, it makes my whole breastfeeding experience finally, finally make some kind of strange awful sense. Apparently this is more common in women who continue breastfeeding through pregnancy or are nursing an older child - but I certainly experienced this right from the very beginning of breastfeeding and surely there must be others out there like me.
I never even questioned, while I was pregnant, that I would breastfeed my baby. It wasn't a decision, it was an assumption. I expected to enjoy it, for it to be the magical bonding experience so many women seem to love.
I wasn't prepared for the pain in the beginning, but pain can be overcome. What was worse was what came after the pain. Other people's words above have described it perfectly - the feeling of wrongness, of skin crawling antsy-ness, of wanting to fling your baby away from you and scream GET THE HELL OFF MY BREAST!! My favourite is the last quote above - where she describes dreading breastfeeding and a feeling like you're being touched up by a creepy uncle. That's exactly it. Molested is a harsh word but there you go, I said it anyway - it feels like being violated, like doing something physically that every visceral piece of you doesn't want to do.
As one of the mothers quoted above said, "I felt like the worst mother on the planet". All these other women seemed to love breastfeeding, to find it a special bonding experience, to do it past infancy, to not want to stop. I have been looking back lately, wondering to myself - do those women just have a very different experience of breastfeeding than I did, or are they just better at coping with it? Are they just better women - better mothers?
Having stumbled across this information about breastfeeding aversion, discovering that other women have felt what I felt about breastfeeding, makes me feel like yelling from the rooftops: I AM NOT A BAD MOTHER AFTER ALL! It's a genuine experience that some women have, it does not mean you don't love your baby or that you don't have the right maternal instincts or that you lack some kind of essential mothering ability.
Experiencing breastfeeding aversion does not make you a bad mother.
I just want to say it over and over again, for myself and for any other woman who has ever had this confusing, gut wrenching experience.
Hating breastfeeding does not make you a bad mother.
One of the hardest things about writing about this, is that describing feelings of wanting to fling your baby off you or hating having them at the breast may make it sound like you don't care for your baby or you lack some attachment to them. This is so far from the truth. In fact, that's what makes this experience so difficult, so confusing. You love your baby, you want the absolute best for you baby - that's why you put yourself through these feelings over and over again, multiple times a day. I remember how much I couldn't stand feeding and yet when she looked up at me with those eyes...
... oh god, she NEEDED me, she needed me and how could I fail her? How could I have those feelings about doing something so beautiful for someone so incredibly beautiful?
Even now, looking at that photo makes me well up with tears. She needed me so much - oh my little one, I did the best I could for you.
In the early days I contemplated weaning but found I still had an instinctive need to keep breastfeeding - and the feelings were at a manageable level. But it got worse as time went on. Once she got to about 5 months old, the long nighttime feeding sessions were like an incredibly unusual form of torture.
I held on to 6 months and as soon as we arrived in our new city, I began the switch to bottlefeeding, which thankfully went quickly and easily. My boobs shrunk quickly and my bubba was happy on bottles. I was happy with her on bottles. Oh the relief. Oh the immense relief to leave my breasts inside my bra all day and not have anyone suckle on them. Oh the relief to hold my baby and feed her without my breasts being involved, to feel nothing but love. Oh I can't even describe to you the relief.
If I ever have another baby, I will spend the whole pregnancy freaking out about breastfeeding. Because I really do believe in the importance of breastmilk in the early months. But the thought of having to do it again makes me feel like putting on a steel bra with a lock and throwing away the key. It makes me feel like crossing my arms tightly across my chest and curling into a corner.
I felt I needed to write this post because I feel like I want people to be aware of this issue, to know it exists, to understand. I want the staunch breastfeeding activists to read this. I want people who judge those who bottlefeed to read this. I want anyone who has ever had or who is currently having this experience to read this. I want them all to understand that this is a real phenomenon, and that it can be unbearable.
I want to tell them -
- I want to tell myself -
- hating breastfeeding does not make you a bad mother.
What a brave post! I hope that other mums/moms can find this via Google, and that it will help others.
ReplyDeleteHaving seen you in action, I know what a great mum you are -- you have nothing to worry about on that account!
Bless you lovely :-) I do my best, that's for sure... I really hope this can help someone else too, so many aspects of this mum thing can be so confusing when you've never heard of or experienced them before. I am in tears as I read this, I am a first time mom to a healthy 11 week old baby boy, I live him to bits and while I was pregnant I just new I was going to breastfeed, the more time went on the more determined I was to provide the best for my child.After he came he latched the first time like a pro :-) no pain or anything, then he wouldn't wake up to eat....then he wouldn't latch, wouldn't take a bottle or syringe and when he did wouldn't stay awake, I tried shields and pumping and tweaking, squishing rolling, pinching (you name it we tried it) my nipples, finally he took a bottle, then the syringe, but refused my breast, day 3 he took my breast with a shield, we stopped supplementing that day, but he still struggled to stay awake, then he started biting, pulling, he even latched and shook his head with my nipple still in his mouth (picture a dog with their favourite toy) we had numerous visits with health nurses and finally got in to see a lactation consultants at 7 weeks, he was diagnosed with a slight tongue tie but not clipped, they showed me how to latch him without the shield....which I'd been trying to do wrong thanks to about 20 different nurses each with a different opinion on how to do it and my lack of education on the matter :( as soon as he latched it was the greatest feeling of accomplishment, and then came the excruciating burning pain, and it stayed, we were diagnosed with yeast and given cream, which I had a horrible reaction to resulting in blisters, cracks, angry red nipples with blanching, now I could barely touch my nipples and with every feed he was tearing them apart more, for a week we alternated pumping and direct feeding until we saw the lactation consultant again, at that visit we had his tongue tie clipped and fed once more with very minimal pain! :-D a boost in moral and off we went....until his next meal, slowly but surely the pain returned and the very little healing we had accomplished was undone, I couldn't even use the shield to lessen the pain, I tried Tylenol, heat, ice, coconut oil, lanolin, nothing was working, I recently started pumping as I found myself trying to put off feeding him I dreaded it so much :-( worst feeling ever, what kind of mom was I that I couldn't bring myself to just pick up my only son and meet his needs?! The first couple days of pumping exclusively I cried every time, I so badly wanted to breastfeed and feel that bond everyone went on about, I joined a support group for pumping moms which helped a bit and made another appointment with the lactation consultant, twice now I've tried to breastfeed, the first time I managed just enough to put him to one breast and only because he hadn't had enough from his bottle of expressed milk, the second time, no such luck, I sat down with my towel(he's a bit of a messy eater still) and my pillow and got all unclipped and ready but as soon as my husband took one step closer with the baby the heat crept in and I was sweating and starting to panic.....the tears started, up went the bra and out came the apologies and another bottle of expressed milk was prepared, I know now that breastfeeding aversions are very real and it isn't just me, and just reading this gives me hope that this newfound fear can some day be overcome and maybe I'll be able to forget the yeast and damage and mastitis with blocks in both breasts.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for writing this, I feel sane again knowing that I'm not some horrible crazy mother who doesn't want to feed her child but am experiencing similar thoughts and fears as other moms
Ashley thank you so so much for this comment, it really means a lot to me to read this and know that my pouring my heart out actually helped someone not feel alone - that was the whole reason I wrote this post... I wanted other mums to know that this can be a normal variant of breastfeeding experience and it does NOT make you a bad mum. Just reading everything you have gone through trying to give your child the very best you can tells me that you are an amazing and dedicated mum who just wants the best for her little one! You are definitely not crazy and I tell you this - the most important thing is that you are able to feed your child with LOVE. For myself, I found that there was a lot more love in our feeding relationship when I took my breasts out of the equation. Breastfeeding is wonderful when you are able, but I truly believe that a happy sane mummy who looks down on her baby with love as they feed is paramount. You have done a wonderful job trying to the best for your baby and you should feel proud of yourself for it!
DeleteMy blog actually moved to - hopefully in the next couple of days I will be posting my homemade formula recipe up there, if you're interested :-)
I love you for writing this. I don't mean to be creepy but you have just opened my eyes to understand a dark shadow that has been looming over my head. God bless you. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteBless you - I hope you can start to dissolve that shadow xxx
DeleteWhat an amazing post. Thank you so much for writing it, and so beautifully. My twins are 10 months old; I managed to exclusively breastfeed for 6 months. It was the worst when we were all learning how to tandem feed - both latched on, falling off, falling asleep, sucking for hours sometimes. In addition to being exhausted and recovering from a c-section, I hated the way it felt - one was okay but two at once was horrible. I had to dig my nails into my palms and bite my lips to keep from flinging them away from me. I would tense every muscle in my body and try to imagine I was somewhere else. It felt horrible - like molestation, really, because you don't have much option to say no when your babies are crying out for you and for food. It thankfully got better over time. I managed to tune them out a little (which made me feel so guilty) and they slowly became more efficient. At 6 months, we added on formula supplements, which took the pressure off big time. Now I only nurse them one at a time, 4-5 times per day (each) and it feels fine. They are done and crawling away in 5 minutes. I still feel guilty about giving them formula though. Even though I shouldn't. Mothers are so hard on themselves! :) your honesty helps soften my self criticism.